Wireless Internet Access
This provides businesses with a scalable reliable and high-speed FTTB. The benefits include:
- Unlimited usage of symmetrical uncontended fibre.
- Available technical support
- Cloud ready and future proof

Your business is directly connected to Cloud Service Providers such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services improving reliability and security. This, in turn, reduces network costs, increases bandwidth and provides a more consistent network experience.

Direct Internet Access
We provide clients with broadband and corporate internet via dependable, last-mile microwave connectivity, coupled with our already robust international fibre network. Off-the-fibre grid client sites, interim and backup solutions will enjoy this service.
- Affordable
- High speed wireless internet
- Wide coverage area
- Uncapped and unshaped

Fibre To The Business
This provides businesses with a scalable reliable and high speed FTTB. The benefits include:
- Unlimited usage of symmetrical uncontended fibre.
- Available technical support
- Cloud ready and future proof

Corporate FIA
Medium to large businesses benefit from our Corporate Fibre Internet Access service through high speed, low latency and service level agreement backed internet via Somcable’s top notch global network, delivered directly to the client’s premises using reliable fiber connectivity.
- High speed Internet
- Uncapped and unshaped
- Reliable

Broadband FIA
This service provides small to medium size businesses with cost friendly, high-speed internet delivered directly to the client’s premises using reliable fiber connectivity.
- Cost effective
- High speed internet
- Uncapped and Unshaped
- Reliable